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Price 35s net


‘Printed in Great Britain by T. Bunciz & Co. Lr. .



Abraxas grossulariata ab. fulva- picata Raynor. A Note on the Genetics of. G. E. Hutchinson, 81.

Acherontia atropos behaviour of Larva of. O’Heffernan, 263.

Acherontia atropos L. Foodplants of.

Anthony Valletta, 88.

Acherontia atropos L. in Bedford.

Terence F. Knight, 234.

Acleris abietana (Hubner, 1819-22), Tommiciad moth. mews ton the British Isles. E. S. Pelham-Clin- ton, 151.

Alsophila aescularia Schiff. A. Cur- ious Conduct of. H. C. Huggins, 118.

Ants in South Brittany. Barrett, 112.

Ants and Aphids.

Any Number can Play. Ainley, 307.

Apamea padbulatricula (connexa), the Union Rustic. Enquiry con- cerning. P. B. M. Allan, 116.

Aphantopus hyperantus (Lep. Saty- ridae). A New Aberration of. Major A. E. Collier, 4.

Aphantopus hyperantus L. Variation in. Major-General G. C. Lip- scomberC -B., (D:S.O4 127-

Argynnis paphia L. on Buddleia. David Brown, 264.

Asilidae. D. G. Sevastopulo, 59.

The Asturias and Albarracin: June- July 1967. Major-General Sir George Johnson, K.C.V.O., C.B., C2BEE,., 2D: S-On203:

Austrotortrix postvittana. Waik Hampshire. E. Sadler, 87.

ie: Curious J5ls IG,

Key bd.

Jyh. Burton, Ad? IDYiro igve Ge


Balearic Islands. Butterflies of the. Commander G. W. Harper, R.N., 229.

Balearic Islands. A Note on the Butterflies: of. 2T-h. New, 171.

Bats in Mercury Vapour Traps. Commander G. W. Harper, RN., 229. :

Blackmoor Copse Nature Reserve, Wiltshire. A 1958 Survey of the Butterflies of. I. R. P. Heslop., 296.

Butterflies in Princethorpe Wood, Warwickshire. David Brown, 264.

Butterflies in a Garden (1966). H. Symes, 117.

Butterfly Notes from the South-East. A Few. A.A. Allen, 60.

Cactoblastis _cactorum Berg. A Further Note. J. Sneyd Tayior, Nie

Callimorpha jacobaeae L. (Lep Arctidae). New Aberrations of. R. W. Watson, 33.

Celastrina argiolus L. Abundance

of near London in 1966. A. A. Allen, 23.

Celastring Sarngiolus sk) «Sa\i(Ne “A: Jacobs, 178.

Celastrina argiolus L. in 1967: An Early Date and an Unusual Pabulum. A. A. Allen, 318.

Cheilosia mutabilis F. (Diptera, Syrphidae) The Capture of a

Teratological Specimen of. L. Parmenter, 234.

The Chilterns. A Good Night in. R G. Chatelain, 232.

Connemara. A Fortnight in Con- nemara, 12th to 29th August LS6GS Capron, Ja Ee Llerton, ke. 125.

Conservation. S. L. Meredith, 234.

Conservation. On Mr. Webb’s Questions and Ideals of Duty

Towards. A. E. Stubbs, 16. Correction. P. D. Goddard, 4. Correction. S- N- (Az Jacops, 256:

Cranleigh Butterflies 1966. Major A. E. Collier, 82.

Cryptoblabes gnidielia Milliere and other Species in Southampton. RCU Dds AGASSIZ, wolluic

Cyprus. Three Weeks in Cyprus, April-May 1967. Baron de Worms, 245.

Decline in the Numbers of Lepidop- tera. Some Causes of. H. Symes, 295.

Deilephila nerii L., Larval Colour-

ation. D. G. Sevastopulo, 231. Derbyshire. Lepidoptera at Mer- cury Vapour Light at Ault Hucknall, Derbyshire, during 1966. J. H. Johnson, 46. Diasemia ramburialis Dup. S.

Wakely, 230. Diasemia ramburialis Dup. in Suf- folk. H. E. Chipperfield, 264. The Dingle Penninsula, 1967. H. C. Huggins, 280.

Diptera in Moray and Inverness. R M. Payne, 198.

Diptera in Morayshire. More. L. Parmenter, 290.

Diptera of Stanmore Common, Mid-

dlesex: |yoome., -E.) Jo.Chandler: 62.

Diptera on Thursley Common, Surrey, in 1966. P. J. Chandler, 19.

Diptera on Thursley Common. A Supplementary Note. Peay de Chandler.


Dover. Migrant Lepidoptera visit- ing light at Dover, 1966. G. H. Youden, 60.

Early Captures in 1967. L. W. Siggs, 87

Ecology versus Taxonomy. Frank Balfour Browne, 212.

Elachista eleochariella Stainton (Lep., Tineina) in Perthshire.

J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, 117.

Empis (Pachymeria) tessellatta L. (Diptera, Empidae). An unusu- ally late capture of. H. J. Willis, 179.

Entomological Excursions during 1966. Notes on S. Wakley, 66. Eriogaster lanestris L. (Lep., Las- iocampidae). INGLes» "on 7 the Larval Habits of. R. W. Watson,


Eriogaster lanestris L.: A Final Note H. Symes, 116. Eriogaster lanestris L. Waddington, 178. The Flight-ranges of Insects.

Robinson, 239.

ee iG Fee lgle Se

[Foodplants of Lepidoptera in India,

East Africa, Australial-y D. G: Sevastopulo, 59. Foot and Mouth Disease: a request

by the Nature Conservancy, 316. France. June in the South of. J. A. C. and Dorothy Greenwood, 10.

Geology as an Ecological Factor in the Distribution of an Insect— the Fly Symphoromyia immacu- lata” EF. (@ pt, Rhagionidae): Alan E. Stubbs, 292.

Gonepteryx rhamni L. An Early Butterfly. "UD? S’- Burrows; 87.

Greece, May, 1966. Butterflies in. H. M. Mackworth-Praed, 74.

Greece. A Visit to, in late April 1967. R. F. Bretherton, 191.

[Hadena blenna Hiibn. (peregrina rems:)| YP. eb. MVM. Alliant Vis: Herse convolvuli L. in Northampton- shine 2) He Pauwe:. 270}

Heversham, Westmorland. lLepidop- tera at. Gaden S. Robinson, 271, 302.

How I became an Entomologist. R. M. Payne, 44.

How I came to start collecting. I. eke Heslop, 225:

Hydraecias in the West of Ireland. A Note on. H. C. Huggins, $9.

The Generic Name Ilione Sciomyzidae). George 1522

Tlione. (Diptera, C- Steyskal.

_ Lera modesta (Diptera).

| Leucania unipuncta Haw.:


International Commission of Animal Nomenclature. The History of, and its Fate. Frank Balfour Browne, 252.

Inverness-shire in 1966. Commander G. W. Harper, R.N., 101.

Iran. Butterfiy Expedition to, 1966. Major-General Sir George John- son, “KCC. V-OfOWGB Se ieaBHie DESK Oss) 315

Isle of Canna, 1966. bell, 97.

Dr. J. L. Camp-

Killing Agents. Air Marshall Sir Robert Saundby, K.C.B., K.B.E., M-C., D:F.C., AFC SeD ies Ge:

Large Tortoieseshell Butterfly. P.

B. M. Allan, 154, 186, 224.

The Large Tortoiseshell Butterfly’s Life-cycle. EE: (P2W Wiltshire @ BE, 243)

The Large Tortoiseshell Butterfly Nymphalis polychloros L. H. G. Short, 306.

Leicestershire, Oxfordshire and Cambridge. Some interesting Lepidoptera recorded for. S. R. Davey, B.A., 249.

Lepidoptera Distribution Maps Scheme. Note on. Sis. Ab Jacobs, 86.

Leptomorphus walkeri Curt. (Dipt.: Mycetophilidae) in Surrey. A Further Record of. A. E. Stubbs, 60.

Vast Num-

bers of, on a Snow-covered Mountain. Derek C. Hulme, 180.

A Tem- perature Effect. T. D. Fearne-

hough, 58.

| Lybythea celtis Fuessl. attracted to

Dry Mud.

294. Limnellia stenhammeri Zett. (Dipt.

Ephydridae) in Surrey. Alan E.

D. G. Sevastopulo,

Stubbs, 230. Limnia paludicola Elberg (Dipt., Sciomyzidae). A Note on. L.

| N. Kidd, 22. | Limnia paludicola Elberg (Dipt.

Sciomyzidae). Comment on Note on! d-E Colling wee

| Lithophane leautieri Bdv., in Somer-

| Macrolepidoptera.

set. Trevor Silcocks, 118.

Lysandra coridon Poda ab. semisyn- grapha Tutt. The Geneties of. Major A. E. Collier, 4.

Certain Varieties of. S. R. Davey, 268.

Mainly about Butterflies. 278.

H. Symes,


Medeterus (Dipt., Dolochopodidae). mie Prey OL. wo Species of. LL: Parmenter, 234.

Mercury Vapour Traps. Eacks,.26-

Microlepidoptera. Notes on the. dH. C. Huggins, 14, 100, 256.

Migrant Lepidoptera in Glamorgan-

Trevor Sil-

shire. P. M. Ovenden and M. J. Copland, 27.

Migrant Butterflies in Cornwall, September 1966. Jat Birton, 179.

Migrants. Late Migrants 1966. H.

B. D. Kettlewell, 118.

Migratory Species of Lepidoptera noted during 1966. E. A. Sadler and P. J. Rodgers, 137.

Mompha_ raschkiella Zell. (Lep., Mineina) sim Perthsire. 3S. .C: S- Brown, 23.

Moths with Red Eyes. B. J. Lempke, 84.

New Forest Vapour Light Records for 1966. L. W. Siggs, 144. Nigeria. A Collection of Tineid Moths from. Dr. L. A. Gozmany,


Norway. Butterflies in. Henry Lee, 58. Nothris verbascella Hubdn. (Lep.

Tinaeina) Rediscovered. J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, 216.

Nudaurelia cytherea capensis Stoll., and N. cytherea cytherea Fabr. (Saturniidae). Noteston- tJ. S.-

Taylor, 5.

Oegoconia deauratella H.-S. and O.

quadripuncta Haw. (Lep., Sym- mocidae) in Kent. Confirmed Occurence of. J. M. Chalmers- Hunt, 24.

Orthoptera Noies from the Pyrenees,

1966. J. Muggleton, 51.

The Pearly Underwing. P. B. M. Allan, 316.

Pelecocera tricincta Meig. (Diptera,

Syrphidae) Visiting Flowers. L. Parmenter, 233.

Perinephele perlucidalis Huibn. and Palpita unionalis Hubn. in Sut- folk. H. E. Chipperfield, 317.

Phasis malagrida (Wallengren). Observations on the Cape Lycae- nid. With the description of a new Race. CaAGaG: (Diekson, 1

Phasis wallengrenii (Trimen) group (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Some Comments on. With a descrip- tion of a new species. C. G. C. Dickson. 267.

| Plusia chalcites Esp.

' Poecilmitis

| Pseudonympha

Pieris (Lepidoptera). Supplemetary Data on the Androconial Scales of

some Holarctic species of. B. C. S. Warren, 139. Plusia gracilis Lempke. A Lincoln-

Ty hon Net Ole in Somerset. H. M. Chappel, 317.

Poecilmitis felthami (Trimen). The Cape Lycaenid. A new sub- species of. C. G. C. Dickson, 65.

turner, kiley . (lep:: Lycaenidae). Some Observations ons aWwith’ a description... CG: C. Dickson and J. C. McMaster, 209.

Pogonota hircus Zett. (Dipt., Seato- phagidae) in Surrey. Ae DR. Stubbs, 60.

Pollenia vagabunda Mg. (Diptera, Calliphoridae) in Nottingham- shire. O. M. White, 147.

southeyi (Penning-

ton) (Lep., Satyridae) from the

shire Record of.

Western Cape Province. Two New Subspecies of: C. G. C. Dickson, 98.

Pseudonympha trimenii Butler (Lep., Satyridae). A Note on. CG, Gy Dicksons 96:

Ptilophora plumigera Schiff. in Sussex. J. A. C. Greenwood, 116.

Ross-shire, Scotland in late July 1967. A Holiday in. With Notes on the Lepidoptera. E. P. Wilt- srimen CoB hes kO:

Sale of Exotic Butterflies. C. G. M.

de Worms, 88.

Scarabaeoidea. A Review of the status of certain Scarabaeoidea (Col.) in the British Fauna; with the addition to our List of Onthophagus similis Scriba. A. A. Allen, 201, 220, 257, 284.

scotland. A Visit to. H. E. Chipper- fieid, 135.

Season 66. T. W. Harman, 129.

Somerset. Records of Lepidoptera in. Lt.-Col. A. M. Emmet, 104.

Sphingidae. Observation on Family Sphingidae found around Cape

Town. D. G. Sevastopoulo, 24. Stigmella pulverosella Stt. and S. glutinosae Stt. (Lep., Nepticuli- dae) in Scotland. Sele Ge Se Brown, 58. Stigmella tengstromi Nolck. (Lep., Nepticulidae). lista, ayy British

species? S. C. S- Brown, 183.

Stigmella auromarginella (Rich.). Note on and Selection of a type specimen. S. C. S. Brown and W. Parkinson Curtis, 185


Suffolk, 1966. Holiday in. S. Wake- ay

Surrey. Moth Trap in November in North West Surrey. R.

Bretherton, 42.

Switzerland 1966. Dr. R. G. Ainley.

i: Tetrachloroethane as aé_é Killing Agent. D. G. Sevastopoulo, 231.

Thalera fimbrialis Scop. (Lep., Geo- metridae). Notes on Rearing. S- Wakely, 73.

Three Late Larvae. Major-General @ G. Lipscomb, 25:

Tipulidae (Dipt.) in Central and North Wales. R. M. Payne and A. E: Stubbs, 173,

Torynesis mintha (Geyer). Notes on the Cape Satyrid butterfly. With a description of a new race. €. G. C. Dickson, 160.

Trichodes. An Inquiry into the British Status of the Genus Trichodes Hbst. (Col., Cleridae). A. A. Allen, 54.

Trinidad, October-December ime GC Homer WGs:



Acrulite Transparent Embedment Resin, 208.

Annual Exhibition of the Amateur Entomological Society, 238.

Lepidoptera Course

Bird Sanctuary, 27.


at Portland


[Triphaera comes Hubn.] Scottish Variety in Cambridgeshire. Rev.

Guy A. Ford, 25. Trisateles emortualis Schiff. A Further Record of. By irene: oe Go

Greenwood, 116.

| Unexpected Visitor to a Mercury

Trap. ©) 'G. Mi VdemWWorniss Wo Uresphita (Mecyna) gilvata Fab. (polygonalis Hiibn.) in Hamp-

shire. Rear Admiral A. D. Tor- lesse, 294.

Vanessa atalanta L. A Late. D. G. Down, 59.

Vanessa cardui L. in Cornwall. PB NG Smith es

Vanessa cardui L. and V. atalanta L.


Some 1966 Records of. tee alee Burton, 26. Volucella zonaria Poda (Diptera,

Syrphidae) in Wood Green, Lon- don. C. O. Hammond, 25:

| Whole Hoggers and Hair Splitters.


j t

Frank Balfour Browne, 199.

Wood White (Leptidia sinapis) in Wessex. H. Symes, 26.


The South London Entomological

and Natural History Society Annual Exhibition, 238.

The Teen International Entomology Group, 237.

The Thirteenth International Con- gress of Ecology, 238.


New and Confused Species of Micro-

lepidoptera. I. Svensson, 31. Beautiful Moths. J. Moucha, 31. Les Heémipteres de la MReserve

Naturelie domaniale du West- heok Pentatomoidea. R. Mayne, 32. De Danske Malare (second edition). S. Hoffmeyer, 120. Nigerian Butterflies, Pt. V, Nymphalidae. J. Boorman and iP hoehe,, 12\.

Keys to the Genera of the African


Termites. G. C. Webb, 121. Insects and Man in West Africa. J. @. tines 122: Pests of Stored Products. J. W: Munro, 27.

North European Groups of Aricia allous G.-Hb. their variability and relationship to A. agesits. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, 28.


Proceedings and Transactions of the

South London Entomological and Natural History Society, 1966, 29.

Locust Handbook, 30.

Gall midge genera of economic im- portance (Diptera, Cecidomyii- dae), Pt. 1, Introduction and subfamily Cecidomyiinae; super- tribe Cecomyiidi. K. M. Harris, 12?

Handbook for the Identification of British 7 Insects, Wolk ean ete (ec), Diptera: Pipunctlidae. R. L. Coe, 148.

Insects of the British Woodlands. R. Neil Chrystal, 149.

The Taxonomy of British black-flies (Diptera, Simulidae). L. Davis, 180.

General Entomology for Agricultural Students. Prof. H. L. Kulkarny, 180.


miavnra, Et. RsApril 1967,.182.

Journal East African Natural His- tory Society and National Museum, Vol. XXV. No. 2 (IID, June 1965, 182.

Proceedings and Transactions of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society, 1967, Piet CMarch), 182.

Pt. II, 206.

Butterflies of South Perthshire. George Thomson, 182.

The Macro-Lepidoptera of the New- bury District (Berkshire). Air Marshall Sir Robert Saundby, 207.

The Norwegian Species of Bactra Steph. and Eucosma Hiibn. (Lep.,

Toriricidae). Dr. M. Opheim, 207.

The Observer’s Bock of Pond Life (second edition). John Clegg,


Ein Kritischer Beitrage zur Taxonom- ischen Klarung einiger Palaerc- tischer Arten der Gattung Scrobipalpa (Lep., Gelechiidae). Dr. Dalibor Povolny, 235.

Lepidoptera of American Samoa with particular reference to bio-


Tne Methuen Handbook of Colour. A. Kornerup and J. H. Wan- schen, 236.

Zur Kenntis der Microlepidoptera- fauna von Morokko. Dr. H. G. Amsel, 264.

Neue Synonymien und Bemerkun- gen zu palaarctischen Pyraliden. Dro Ba. GY Amsel, °265:

Die zweite Deutsche Afganistan Expedition 1966. Da dts 1Gs Amsel, 265.

Kine neue afghanistanische Stenop-

tilia-Art (Lepv., Pterophoridae).

Dr. H. G. Amsel, 265.

afghanistanischen Arten der

Anarsia-Komplex (Lep., Gelechi-

dae). Dr. H. G. Amsel, 265.

Coleophoriden aus Afghanistan. Grafts! VEO Roth tei Dr He G: Amsel, 265.

Gattungen Ornativalva Goz- many und Horridovalva gen.n. (Lep., Gelechiidae). Dr. Klaus Sattler, 265.

Where have all the butterflies gone? Prof. E. N. Willmer, 265.

The Larvae and Pupae of the British Cylindrotominae and Limonii-



logy and ecology. J. A. Com- nae (Dipt., Tipulidae). As stock, 236. Brindle, 293. OBITUARY NOTICES Revzgte Vee b Carr Ol. | Montague Niblett, 321. William James Kaye, 226. | Kenneth Self, 235. Arthur Morel Massee, 318. | Robert Geoffrey Todd, 208. Robin Marcus Mere, 118. AUTHORS

Amnley, Dr: Rs Ge: 15;°307. Chappel, HH. ME: S17: Aisassizaoneve, Da J. T:2 317. Chatelainy R2G.: 232:

Alans 2 BoM MBE. MA.: 154, 178, 186, 224, 245, 316.

mullen Ae VAL: 23,545 °60, 201,220, 2577, 284, 318.


Bagkeths pies Ee vase 2.

Bretherton, R. F.C. B., M. A.: 191.

Brown, David: 264.

Brown, Sie: S.: 23... 58, 183, 185.

Browne, Professor Frank Balfour: OO 22 252:

Burrows, D. S.:

Burton, 2 ES:


87. 2G, 279: Gampbelly ds. e297.

Chalmers-Hunt, J. M.: 24, 117, 216. Chandler, P. J.: 18, 62, 64.

Chipperfield, H. E.: Collier, Major A. E.: Collin yee 22- Copland, M. J.:

135, 264, 317. 4, 82.


Curtis, W. Parkinson: 185. Davey, S. R.: 249, 263. Diekson...C.-G. (C22 65,5 93. 96.) 123. 160, 209, 267. Downs / EP). Ges. 59: Herton,/Captainy J, RUN. : 125.

E Emmet, Lt.-Col. A. M.: 104.

earnehough, T. D.: 58. ord) Rev. Guy “Ac: 25:

tx} hy


Goddard, P. A.: 4. Gozmany, Dr. L. A.: 145.

Greenwood, J. A. C., O.B-E.: 10; 116.

Greenwood, Dorothy: 10.

Hammond, CO!" 25:

idarmans 2 Wee 129:

Harper, Commander G. W., R.N.:

101, 229. Heslop, I. R. P.: 225, 296. Homenra. Jo G.: Ge: Huggins, H. C.: 14, 99, 100, 118, 256, 280. Hulme, Derek C.: 180. Hutchinson, G. E.: 81.

JacoosmS. IN. At 4e2s, 289294 sn ols 32, 86, 120, 121, 122, 149, 180, 181, 182, 206, 207, 208, 235, 236, 237, 256, 264, 265, 294, 310.

Johnson, Major-General Sir G.: 253.

Johnson ya: H.: 46.


Kettlewelle “Han Bt yD: yl: Kidd, L. N.: 22.

Knight, Terence F.: 234.

Lee, Henry: 58. Lempke, B. J.: 84. Lipscombe, Major-General C. G.: 25,

127. Mackworth-Praed, H. W.: 74. McMaster, J. C.: 209. Meredith, S. L.: 234.

Muggleton, J.: 51.

Newereln Ras 4625) 1H:


| Payne pelimEn aa 0! | Payne, R. M.: 44, 173, 198.

O’Heffernan, H. L: :- 263:

Ovenden, P. M.: 27. 180) 238." 234; @

Parmenter, L.: 148,

293, 321.

Pelham-Clinton, E. G27 i116, tor

Robinson, Gaden S.: 271, 302.

Robinson: "Hi. (S-= 239:

| Rogers; P-7de. se

| Steyskal, G. C.:

| Worms,

Sadler, Bp[AG2 33. one

Saundby, Air Marshall Sir Robert, K.C.B., -K.B.E:. | MCs aire Ack.C., Dibs4 294)

Sevastopulo, D. G.: 24, 59, 231, 294.

Short, H. G.: 306.

Siggs, L. W.: 87, 144.

Silcocks, Trevor: 26, 118.

Smith, Dro. Be Nee ite:


Stubbs; A. E.: 16; GOP iis 230; 2928 313.

Symes; H:. 26, 91) WGa dina esa:

Taylor, dese 7 De ler Torlesse, Rear Admiral A. D.: 294.

Waddington, L. G. F.: 178.

Wakely, S.: 1, 66, 73, 230. Wiepageay ley (OF S52) IAS). Watson, A.: 236.

Watson, he Woe doosvce: White, O. M.: 147. Withlisowile daewelao:

Wiltshire, E. P., C.B.E.: 243, 310. Baron ‘de, PeDis Sea iic. 208, 235, 245, 266.

YoudensiG: H.c> 60:

The Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation SPECIAL INDEX VOL. 79, 1967

PAGE (AVES puitcollis (Corvultur) ...... 4: 8) COLEOPTERA

aequalis (Helophorus) ...... 199-201 agricola (Anisoplia) . 262, 284-5 alvearius (Trichodes) ........ 54-7 mcs iC ErichOdes) ........-. 54-7 aquaticus (Helophorus) ..... 199-201 ZNSE SLICE? OIG |) 0 ee ee a 319 PEAtUIS MCR OV NCMITES) (200.0... ead. 56 Bacchus (hynehites) °..... 0.5. . 56 bimaculatus (A. varians) mennneum, (Obrium) 2...) 2.0... 319 caesus (Pleurophorus) ........ 257-8 caraboides (Platycerus) .. 202-4, 289 chevrolati (Anthonomus) ....... 320 emenis. (Anthomus)iooo. 05... 2... 320 cyathigera (A. agricola) cylindricollis (Cymatodera) 30 depressus-elegans (Deronectes) .. 213 donovani (A. irrorata) dorsalis (Helophorus)'.........- 214 fasciatus (Trichius) .... 132, 137, 288 flavipes (Helophorus) ...... PNY 2105) fracticornis (Onthophagus) .. 221-2 tulle CPolyphylia) +3 -4-.). 260-2, 289 funesta (Oxythyrea) ...... 285-7, 289 PORN AMES MOG PaArUS) .). <0: 72. 320 germanus (Rhyssemus) ....... 258-9 EteloOpPHOrUS: Fe ae 2h. 199-201, 213-6 hemipterus (Valgus) . 1) Be 285 RES CEAMUS) Nees knee 821 319 SOLUS (STLOMA) Ne. 8-1.) ae 202 SIGS CLEOK) ASANtr eh)... 204-5, 289 HELOLAtaA, CANOMalayM! | SiG... Bet. 284 lacordairei (Triplax) ..... Pek aT: 319

mendax (Saprosites) . 220-1, 222, 289

mulsanti (Helophorus) ..... 214, 215 meer CA phodius) =e. .0 ahs 5- 222 niveirostris (Tropideres) ...-.... 320 MOUSE MOLIMNUS) vo soa tener 319 nutans (Onthophagus) .......... 206 obscurus (Aphodius) ............ 224 paraplecticus (Lixus) .........-. 319 pecari (A. satellitius)

perlatus (Trox) .....--+2.---..- 204-5 piceus (Hydrophilus) ........... 200 plagiatus (Aphodius) .....-.....- 222 populnea (Saperda) : 150 porcicollis (Psammobius) ...... 260 PO MAMAS ws 5c peices eter 200 quadrimaculatus (Aphodius) .... 233 regnianus, (Phaedon) ..222-5: 319-20 satellitius (Aphodius) ........ 223-4 scrofa (Aphodius) . 224, 257 sericeus (Polydrusus) .......... 320 Sema emcatus we COS) ssa ale ass 150 similis (Onthophagus) .... 221-2, 289

stictica (O. funesta)

PAGE Ssturmin CAphodtus)? see. 2) 224, 289 SIiVSTENMOCERUSU Jie ER Gere! 202 ftn. taurus (Onthophagus) .. 205-6, 220-1 tridentata (Labidostomis) ...... 319 typhoeus (Typhaeus) ............ 45 typoerapnus! (Chps) io ee! «ee! 150 varians (Aphodius) ...... 222-3, 289 VeEstecatoria Cayitta) 2. eee oe 319 villosa CAmiseplitay! ieee Tei 262 Val TCLIS CASTS UR a sect nace a 319 vulneratus \@Diastretus)) . 2.4.55 260 walkeri (Helophorus) .......... 215 zonatus (Trichius) . 287-8, 289

HEMIPTERA aterrimus” CATragdus) i> core te 319 dominulus (Eurydema) ......... 319 enervis ((kasiosomus) .ase- eo eoo halophilus (Henestaris) ........ 319 maritima (Monosynamma) ...... 319 masseel VCPSalts) ti sh. eee 319 montandoni (Hallodapus) ...... 319 Pentatomoidea of Westhoek .... 32 rosae (Lachnus) (M. submacula) submacula (Maculolachnus) 179 HYMENOPTERA

acervorum (Leptothorax) ...... Bes) aliengs(Lasiesyt a eee dee yy. 113-5

Apanteles (Apantales, err) ..... 8

Braconid (Apanteles). (2.4%)... : 8 Brunneus Cassius) sega 8s. es) caespitum (Tetramorium) 113-5

Chalcidid (Mesocorys) ..... i : = : 8

coarctata, CRonera)ye aa aa 15 eunicularia’ Crormica) )s)) 425 -.. 114-5 emarginatus” Clasivs)a) 2. 113-5 erravicum: (Ghapinonma)aess5 ) ella 5 MAVUS: KCL. ASHUS) Ae okey Actecnnse. 113-5 fugax (Solenopsis) . 113-5 fuliginosus (Lasius) .......... 113-5 LaSca (HORM CA) es | Amoi aes nator 113-5

graminicola (Myrmecina) ..... 113-5

herculeanus (Camponotus) . 114 interruptus (Leptothorax) ...... a5 ligniperda (Camponotus) ...... 114-5 maculitarsis (Apanteles) ........ 8 INIESO COG YSie entre ESE oe a 8 IMIEXGUS' CE ASTUS) os oe we eh ics clei LG niger (Lasius) . 113-5, 179 nigerrimum CTapinoma) .. »..... pals) nitidulus (Formicoxenus) ....... 115 nylanderi (Leptothorax) . 115 pratensis: CHOEMICA)) -ic....4)5 42-58 113-5 pulchripes (Mesocorys) ......... 8 pygmaea (Plagiolepis) .......... 113 quadripunctatus GH). (anby, ) 5... 0115 peopel OMA Mg aaiicey rel SEIN ye fee 113-5 PUBL CHONINTCA) Neha ened ss ake 5s 114-5 RUbibarhisy sGsarimica)) 45 sae. 114-5


PAGE rusinedis, (Nbyrmica)) .5.. 3-4: - 113-5 rusmlosa (Niyrmica) .2... =. ea: 115 Saloulet, CMa rica) 222. . 21: . - 113-5

sanguinea (Formica) .......... 114-5

secabrinodis (Myrmica) . 113-5 Beheneka CNY EMIICa): oes spice ope 15 subterranea (Aphaenogaster) .. 113-5 tguncicola (GHermica) sce -A% «bec 115 tubercum ‘Cueptothorax) oi: 2... Ibs) pina EAS: | CIGASTUS) PRE nce At sere a5}

unifasciatus (Leptothorax) .... 113-5

vindobonensis (Plagiolepsis) .. 113-5 westwoodii (Stenamma) 18) ORTHOPTERA brunneus (Chorthippus) ........ 53 Camipestris: (Grylls) ieee. oot. 202 cinerea (Pholidoptera) . 52 ccerulescens (Oedipoda) ........ DS Lascae CANTGY PlLera)s pele ters | cise # 53 Plone CPEZOtettix) 2. bees 533 grossus (Mecostethus) .......... 53 Libiiolial ly lOpSis) easeee 2 ae. 51 lineatus (Stenobothrus) ........ 52 longicornis (Chorthippus) ...... 53 nigromaculatus (Stenobothrus) . 5

parallelus (C. longicornis)

quadripunctata (Phaneroptera) .. 52 stigmaticus (Stenobothrus) ...... 52 VernucivOrus |CPeECHeUS) 2-2... - 52 viridissima (Tettigonia)......... 52 ViIMOmlMIsmCOMOCEStUS)) «nasa. - 4. 3


AOTISIN AUS CEM Stalas) erase se een 00 198 alo lubarciigy (Cemmleyciey)™ rise cater 1765 77 Bemus “CU TIStalls)! sees" ee. 2) a 198 AnmaNnsy Clavell ics eee ea hea 63 Dliptienoms <(ChirOsiay ee we 63 albimana (Ptychoptera) .... 174, 198 albipes (Dolichopeza) .. 174, 175, 176 albisetaGenutsoma) 25 eae - 153 alot ame (OmniOsial) 6.0. ee 198 albosegmentata (Rhamphomyia). 199 DoMUTAN CHULA) ty nares 175) 76 amoecnal sCASteta)) men see Za EVITA an OT AY CLD TSC) Yt ieee eee Oe 21

amplipilosa (Sericophoromyia) .. 8

apicalis (Cnemopogon) ......... alt appendiculatus (Molophilus) 174, Loe iv AOS aquosa (CDicranomyia)’...¢ .-2- ae. 176 aratoria (Elgiva, Knutsonia) .. 153 ACOUSLOnUna CMriStalisie apts me 198 ALCEMEIMaOATO VLA) stl et ete dees 21 aristatanGlLOxOCera) ewe ese 291 assimilisueVMIseciiia) 2 te ene 148 ALCrMCBOGDORUS) 2's. Se as, Uae ne 291 ALC TEEVyAGPNASIS) ee wine. cee 20 aAtratarchanyptera): sae at es ae M75) atratus (Dolichopus) ...... 19, 291 atripes (Dolichopus) ........ 19, 291 autumnalis (Dicranomyia) 175, VIG. Ae wOs

PAGE bergenstammi (Cheilosia) ...... 198 bimaculata (Dicranotay a 75 oes 198 bimaculatus (Brachypalpus) .... 20 bombylans (Volucella) . 198 brevitarsis (Paradicranota) . 198 britannicum (Simugiiuna 2.) 180 ehalarus *2.\0; 22 eee eee 149 chorea (Dicranomyia)ee ss) 9 eee 174 choreus (Procladius) . 291 ciliata (Fannia) eee eee 63 cinctus' (Lasiopogom) aan y se. fae 19 cinerascens (Cheilotrichia) 174, 17S AGE. cinereifrons (Molophilus) ....... 175 claripennis. (Dictracta)) s--es 293 clavipes. (Trichina) (32-45-28 291 clunipes (Sphegina) ............ 63 clypeatus (Platycheirus) . 291 confluens (Mycetophila) ........ 64 cucularia (Elgiva, Hedroneura, Thone) ) 2ees ae ae 152,153 culiciformis) (City bos)/ a) ree eos eulicina (Holocerayieeea ae 198 cynipsea. (Sepsis) ee. 2) eee 291 danica (Scleroprocta).. 175, 176, 177 decem-maculata (Dicranomyia) .. 176 decipiens (Coenosia)i a. eae 291 denigrata (Spilogona)si)2 4. Le 21 dentata (Gonomyia) ... 177, 198, 291 depilata (Ormosia) aaeerer eee 174 dilution (Simonia) Ayer eee 199 discicollis’ (Pilaria) at eeeee 176s te discreta (Botanophila) . 291 Gistinctissima (Cylindrotoma) 174 distinguens (Coenosia) .......... 21 diversicauda (Chelifera) ........ 198 divisa (Hrioptera) tee sees 199 dorsalis (Hydromya) . Yo ey MS dumetorum (Dicranomyia) ...... 176 elongata’ (Chiorops)) saese eee 291 equina (Simulium) . seaeeZ9l errans (Lipsothrica) eee eee 174, 176 erythrocephala Wo .... 148 exclusa (Dicranota) . 174, 199 | femoratus (Hybos)) ae ee 291 ferruginea (Phylidorea) . AB ltag, fava (Holecera) - J shee 198 flavescens (Nephrotoma) ....... 198 flavipennis (Pycnoglosa) si syaGe flavipes (Limonia) . 176,407 flavolineata Clipula) ae 175-16 flavus (Molophilus) 174, 176, 177 floccosa (Criorrhina) . . <eeeeZe formosa, (Oxycera) i aeeeee eee 21 frondescentiae (Herinia) ........ 291 fwlgens, (Pegomya)iaenea ee 63, 64 fulgens) (Sepsis) «4.522308 291 fulva (Arctophila)) see eeeee 199 fulvonervosa (Phylidorea) 174. 175, 0176177291 fungorum (Mycetophila) . tiaGs fusca (Dicranomyia) 174. 175, L7GS Agi, fuscescens (Tasiocera) . 175


PAGE fuscipennis (Erioptera) 174, 176, 177

fuscipennis (Hexatoma) ........ 174 eemiculata (Siphona) .....-..... 291 germinationis (Opomyza) ....... 291 glabricula (Ocydromia) ........ 198 PlamearUGemiliiay® 0.2. ee. 64 PaaciaseGoyrPHus) 22... ..0.. 2. - 198 planina C(Zemilitvay’ i). es 64 SriscaCuencopnora) 2.220: 0%. 64 griseus (Molophilus) M2 sed Wiad lol Passa Cheninomyla) 2.2.0... 2... 20 haemorhoidalis (Linnaemyia) ... 291 Mucecus, (Posonota)* )).. 2.0... 60, 291 hirtipenne (Diazosoma) ........ 198 Hortm@lana CPipula)y - fet. iD HimereemMict est ee re eke a9 hypostigma (Chlorops) . 291 LANOTDG cs Bhs Alea a Neate ae 152 mustrata (Ehnerlosia) 2.22.02... 198 immaculata (Symphoromyia) ... 2923 immaculata (Trichyphona) 174, Dir iG elurag impar (Chironomus) . 291 impiger, (Miedeterus) ........... 234 iacmis poOVeliecella) ..0.......: 2p; 45 ME ATR CEI AOI ss 2 oss nes aa 291 MCeCEMeOlaw CHIATA) ...........4: 291 juncorum (Chamaemyia) ...... 291 lappona (Sericomyia) ........... 20 PEAT U IS GMETAD) ees adapey = « ine.2) ab 174 fatiirons «(Peleecocera). ...:.- 1.2 233 leucocephala (Metopia) ........ 19 limnophiloides (Crypteria) . 198 lineata (Elgiva, Knutsonia, Teta-

TO CORA Ba treo. a is pss 12 153 MELoralis sCCLUMODIA) 44 440%.) 2. 2): (5) longicornis (Trichopeza) . 199 foncirostris, CA phria) i. 2.6240) 6.6 19 fonzirostris. CHelius)) <ir6. 2 s5 6 eos zh inecidan CDicranomyia) .......... in sven By (UN aval oaluged)y pp eee ae een ee 291 lucidipennis (Dicranota) ........ 293 MICORUIM BOMEH MA), i eenaese ike» «eral er: 148 lucorum (Pseudolimnophora) ... 176 lugubris (Gnophomyia) ........ 63 luna (Tipula) paw a. tiGs clits tomate ChipUlA) i oe eae ss AEE lutea (Erioptera) ..174, 175, 177, 198 macrostigma (Limonia) . 174, 198 maculata (Elaeophila, Limno-

OLA ay PA Ee Belen ts 174, 176, 291 maculata (Nephrotoma) .... 174, 175 maculata (Rhipidia) (Ase 75:

LGA LAT. maxima (Tipula) . 5 Ale NAG means’ (Coenosia) isis hi fos 6k... 291 medins, CViolophilus) 2.2 95.4 5) 52.176 meigenii (Limnophila, Phyli-

GOLA AEP PS 291 Mrelanacromlyza le a. UNI Oe. 322 melanostolus (Eudorylas) ...... 149 mellinum (Melanostoma) ....... 291 menthastri (Sphaerophoria) .... 291



PAGE minuta (Ptychoptera) .. 174, 176, 177 mitis (Dicranomyia) 174, 175, 176, 198 mooesta (Dicranomyia) 2225. TS tmedestarGcria)er se eras oe ee 180 modestus CDorilas) so04.0--> ae 149 montanus "Chybomitra) 2)... 2.2. 291 montium (Tipula) 174, 175, 198 mutabilis (Cheilosia) .......... 234 nastuctiia C(Contarinia): 2... 122 nemoralis (Pilaria) 174, 175, 176,

; 177, 198 NEMOnuMe Caylotaen eee ae oe. oe 63 migciellus (uasiops) pace. an 291 mtiaissima (Osemellay = en as) e201 mitidus, (WedetenuS) ss tase 234 ncodulosa (Ormosia) 174, 175, 176, 177 Netdta, Lachyaromilae. sa0 5 291 notata CLhantimatomyiayy 291 nubeculosa (Limonia) 174, 175,

176, 177 obseurus’ (Molophilus) = - 176 ebvius (Hydrobaenus) = --......-- 291 occoceata, CUMISta) he a eee 174 occulta (Amalopsis) . 1s. AT ocellaris) Chpiphragma) es sate 176 ochracea (Austrolimnophila) 175, MiGs 1 te 198 oleracea (Tipula).... lias, Lio. En pabulina, Chipulay) = 2c ue 176 pallidiventris (Tachydromia). . 291 paludicola (Limnia) ae, 22 paludesa (Chipulla) il acras.-. eis 198 parva (Rhabdomastix) . 174 pedelila, (Coenosia)iz «2 cess 10 lOk pellueens (Volucella) 23.222... - 25 perpusillas<Coenosia)! - ee oe. - 291 phaeostigma (Phylidorea) ...... 176 phaeton CPipunculus) esses. 6 149 piplens | (Sye1tta) pect sect eens ore 198 pluvialis (Haematopota) ........ 291 pomonae: (BibiO) yaar =e: 198 posticata (Oscinella) .. 291 pseudosimilis (Ormosia) ........ 291 pseudovariipennis (Tipula) 175 pumila (CWesasehia) oer. ie 291 pumilionis, (CChIOEOPS) > 2 2 nase 291 punctatal Chom pISiraase aoe eee 198 PUNchipenmis | ChanyioUS) ose eee PAL quadrinotata (Metalimnobia) . 199 ranunculi (Hydropota) . . 291 GEMota CuipSsOeMrirxon sae ewe. 174 mimosa » CPedieia) wae igs ria ATT Maas CROWMEn A) es ces eases =< Chee 148 EUR ACM OME) 25.3 dos ee ned nes © ues 153 PU Tce CEO UN ED)y aeee etn pee oni alg rufiventris (Dicranomyia) ...... 199 EUPIA CETIStATIS) gery ele ches 199 schummeli (Trichyphona) .. 175, 176 Scripta, Ghtpula) tere ess ue nore Lai scutellaris (Brachyopa) ........ 20 scutellaris (Chaetopedella) ...... 291 serpentiger (Molophilus) ....... LET SibperttanCErOoSenay: te aa ee re 20


PAGE | PAGE Sim lS eCOPMOSIA), (eos deep s 198 achillaena(Miorpho) yee eee 170 simplex. ‘(Dolichopus)). ./. =... a. - 201 | achine (Pararze) ese ae 41 squalens (Phylidorea) ..174, 176, 177 | actaea (Satyrus) ....--......---. 255 squalida (Scatophaga) 9 ..2...02- - 2. 291 | acracoides. (Charawes] =). eae stenhammeri (Limnelia) ........ 230 acteon (Thymelicus) 12, 74, 78, SUSTAIN ME MIADOIATA) 9606 oo agen als oe aye 198 97, 247, 249 siiematicay(Chelifiera) comm. 3... 199; | aeuta'(Plusia) 0. oe ee 44 stigmatica (Dicranomyia) ...... 199, | adalwinda (Pieris) oes 142 stigmosa (Rhamphomyia) ...... 291 | admetus (Agrodiaetus) ......... 42, siraminesa (Crunobia) 2) oo.:. . 6:5, 198 | adgusta (Eumichtis) .. 3, 131, 273, 312 submaeulosal (Nephrotoma) ....- 1/6 | adustata Ccigdia)) ee. Bees 274 submarmorata (Elaeophila) .... 174 | advena (Orthosia) .............. 2510 a subnodicornis (Tipula) .......... 175 | advenaria (Cepphis) ............ 108 spppiloa (Bicellaria)-..-~.-..«.+ 20L |) aesa (MOrpho)) sees 89, 90 Smpecoa: CUREMITAy Aer se concen 291 | aegeria (Parage) 13, 16, 41, 61, Spndas (Spl OkOMa) jeri. ssw Zit 78, 80, 84, 117, 172. 197 2e4 Syaviatice “CWUA)s per) acer tees = 176, 198 | 279, 280, 300 iaemiopa (Scatophagady (3... -2, 199) |) aeseus (Papilio)! see sae 90 Pancagiexcy Tota) Sai requ. ee 21, 64 | aeriferana (Ptycholomoides) ... 317 feria OE GISbANIS oceans seu nae 198 _ aescularia (Alsophila) ...... 13) 274 Remeron eS Onna) ee pa. ean a=: 64 aethiops (Erebia) 132, 134, 136, fentans: (CironOMmuUS) yee eos ook 291 | 137. 301, sie tessellata ((Emipis).. 75. ...119) 198 | atinitata (Perizoma) seas 274 Piscine (COECMOSIA)) ages Sele ano 231 agathina (Amathes) ... 134, 135, 144 dimetam( WMivdaea) eis peo aie ee 63 agestis (Aricia) 13, 28, 81, 136, triangula (Limnophora) ........ ZO | 197, 144, 301 Mri chwypoWOma! weit bet ene Ys acy 2 283 | aglaia (Argynnis) 16, 62, 99, 103 imecineiaa(Pelecocera) .2 i...) 23a) 132, 136, 296, 298, 311 trimaculata (Flaeophila) ........ 175 | agrippina (Thysania) oo ee 91 trimaculata (Phaonia) eee a fo |i) alipicilla, CNephopversysa mane 119 ime alag CLMAPIO) eer... 198 | albicillata (Mesoleuca) ......... 107 tripunctata (Limonia) ...... 176, 177 | albicornuella (Coleophora) ..... 73 imistilcata iC ngosita): sane se. 177 albicosta (Coleophora) ........ 2 trivialisy (Erioptera) ). 9174, 1198)"291 | sibula | (Nola) | 2 ase eee 296 tattatan(LAM@nia) tse. . eae st 198) | albulata (Asthena) (ol) eee. ae 274 trivittatus (Helophilus) ........ 199 | albulata (Perizoma) ........ 49, 103 turcica CPrionocera) ei 174, 175 | aleeae (Carcharodus) 42, 172. Wuncas(Lipula) jee. LST Glade 4 192, 193, 194, 196, 249 unicolor (Trichyphona) Hin eh cate i 177 | alchemillata (Perizoma) 49, 147, 313 uneuieornis uimmnia) aes... et: 22 alchymillae (Reverdinus) 74, 76, Unbanum! (Simuitum) 52) 922g 180) | 78, 79, 194 vacapunda (Pollenia) er... Sas. 147 | alciphron (Heodes) ...........- 41 variabilis (Rhamphomyia) ...... 198 | aleyone (Hipparchia) ........... 254 varlicornis (Tipula) 174, 175, 176, 177 | alexandra (Argynnis) 37, 38, 39, 41 variipennis (Tipula) ....... 175, 176 | alexandrae (Troides) ........... 88 varipes (Pipizella) ee eae erin pone 291 alexanor (Pterourus) 41, 75, 79, Weta alse Ci pulay or: careers. oe est Mil 195, 196, 197 Verralia BIL 1 ha EAR SOL NR a RA ree 149 alexis (Glaucopsyche) 13, 35, 42, vestemoaris (Cones) rece. Fo. a0) o 74. 78. 81. 195. 196. 197. 246 vilipennis (Tanypus) ........ 20, 21 | Aliphera (Heliconis) 4.0) 0 deg violacea (Sepsis) .......-........ 291 | allisella (Exaeretia) ............ 51 vitripennis (Dolichopus) .... 19, 291 | STIOtE AP CITrGddee) 88 vitripennis (Taphrophila) .. .. 198 | Biloge (Aridi) ne ae 9 8 944 vomaonia (Calliphora) 20.) 5.8. 146 aint w@Apatele) eae 9 50 “959. 979 walkeri (Leptomorphus) ........ 60 ainiaria (Deuteronomos) .... 50, 274 Zonaria NV .olleella): =). oh. DA, TAT. alpicola (Amathes) 102 alpinana’, (Dicroramphaimee see ies LEPIDOPTERA | alsines (Caradrina) .. 44, 48, 144, 273 abretanma: CAelenms) oir cities (ease ae 151 | alternaria (Semiothisa) .... 274, 278 alortnotariay) (Mfrenophra)) 23% oie. 274 | alternata (Epirrhoé) .... 49, 274, 313 absinthiata (Eupithecia) ..... 50,107 | alticolella (Coleophora).) yo) 110 apsinthin:(Cweullia) yes): 2 135.425 amalthea (Pseudochazera) .. 40, 41 AGACIAC |COLEYIMNO) by. eee. iG,,..00 | amandus Gaysandra) i ses eee 42

achatana: ‘CANCYIIS) és cuseatee aces 102 | amani (Ectodemia)


amardaea (Hyponephela) amarynthina (Parcella)

ambigua (Caradrina) ambigualis (Scoparia)

127, 136, 2s amphinome (Hamadryas) ....... amphrysus (Troides) . amydon (Agrias) anchisiades (Papilio) andrenaeformis (Aegeria) .. andronodorus (Charaxes) angelicella (Agonopterix) angustana (Eupoecilia) angustea (Endorea) .....71, 127, angusticolella (Tischeria) angustiornana (Batodes) . annulata (Cosymbia) anomala (Stilbia) anonyma (Limenitis) 75, 80, 196, antenor (Papilio) antimachus (Papilio) antiopa (Nymphalis) 58, 61, 243,

antiquana (Endothenia) . 99, antirrhini (Omphalophane) ..... apollo (Parnassius) fx. 640: applana (Agonopterix) ...... 51 aprilina (Griposia) 47, 49, arcania (Coenonympha) ..... 15, arduinna (Melitaea) ........ Sifts arenellay (Agsonopterix)) }.!. i. . 2: areola, CXylocampa) <ii.2)-si4: 87 arethusa (Arethusana) ...... 40 SMGSAG ESM CMVETES) 2 see. Ved argiolus (Celastrina) 13, 23, 38,

Aion oteliae, Wid Aieet 9%, 302,

argus (Plebejus) 42, 62, 83, 92, 254,

argyrognomon (Lycaeides) argyroplaga (Phasis) aridellus (Pediasoa) armigera (Heliothis) 60, 118, 138, armoricanus (Pyrgus) arragonensis (Lysandra) . artaxarxes (Aricia) artemisiella (Coleophora) aruncella (Micropterix) asinalis (Mecyna) aspersana (Acleris) aspiciseana, (Hucosma) ........%- assimilata (Eupithecia) asteris (Coleophora) asterope (Ypthima) ........ atalanta (Vanessa) 3, 11, 18), 26, Ziel jo) Glee 62.. 14, 77, 80, 83, GO eAOZ MOS 126; 137, 158, 272) 179,188, 197) 244, 264, 279, 300,

213% 15,206;

athalia (Melitaea)

atomaria (Ematurga) atrata (Odezia) atricapitana (Cochylichroa) atricapitella (Stigmella) atricomella (Elachista)


317 41


= J

PAGE atropos (Acherontia) 24, 88, 118, 234, 263 augur (Graphiphora) ....... AOU. auULAaCcOe GPINAEEA eh. sess 4: 49, 250 aurantiaca (Attacus) . ae 9 {Oi aurantiana (Pammene)......... 317 aurantiaria (Erannis)........ 43, 274 aubatay (Pyraustaene) siacser.: 62, 108 aurellagCNepticula)) cn nkrR. : sash: 183 aurifera (P. orichalcea) aurinia (Euphydryas) 83, 108, 252, 254, 279, 295, 299 auromerginella (Stigmella) » 85 aurorina (Colias) . sO hy Bote ausonia (Euchloé) 12, 15, 16, 41, HA) Oe LOZ LO: ALOT, 247, 248 australis CA porophila) © 435455 44 67 australise(Colias)@ labs 16.40 2 autumnata (Oporinia) 43, 103, 107, 274 aversata (Sterrha) 49, 145, 273, Put, EUS badiana CAncylds) ae saree By PAT HadiatamCHanophtlayes sa aeer eee 274 badiellas(Depressaria)s 4340). sche. 127 bajascAmathes) leer AV AS Bila? bankiana (Eustrotia) . ee 2 barbalis\(Elenminia)iers ese sea: 251 bathshebawiGeyronia) .2 ae eee 2a) batismChhnyabina merc soe 47, 272 baton (Philotesyei oe oeoh ates 195 baulus® (Ny ctemenra) ayers. ce: 59 bellargus (Lysandra) 13, 42, 81, 83, 302 bembeciformis (Sphecia) ... 110, 155 bergmanniana (Cr